Expedition Medicine. Chasing the Light – A Lumen Clients full health check before his 80 day trek across Antarctica!


Lumen Health Assessments - Expedition Medicine

Justin Packshaw, Chairman at Joro Experiences, and a client who recently had a full health check at Lumen, is about to lead an 80-day expedition to kite-ski across 4000km of Antarctica via the “Pole of Inaccessibility” and the “South Pole”.

He is joined alongside a friend of his, linking extreme “human endeavor”, “science” and cutting-edge “technology” together. The expedition is focusing on research and science, alongside showcasing sustainability. They are working with NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA) and Stanford University.

Justin has worked with Dr Garry Savin for the last fifteen years and has had an “advanced health assessment” before all his previous expeditions to make sure that he is in peak shape to tackle the task at hand. This expedition is no exception, and he recently had a full health check with Lumen pre-setting off to Antarctica.

Justin Packshaw, Lumen Client, says: “Garry and his team at Lumen are exceptional and it gives me so much reassurance knowing that I have had a thorough, comprehensive and all-encompassing checkup before heading out on my trips. The Lumen team, their state-of-the-art equipment, their exquisite service, their turn around time on all the tests is second to none. Thank you for the brilliant service you provide and for doing it to the remarkable level you do.’”                           

Dr Garry Savin, Programme Director at Lumen, says: “We wish Justin a very safe trip on what is going to be a major feat of human endurance at altitude in a very challenging hostile environment. Incidentally he recently achieved the best ever recorded score on our body composition analyser at 94/100 so I can concur that he is in fantastic shape going into this and his physical fitness is superb.” 

If you would like to follow Justin’s journey as they cross through Antarctica, please click the link here: 

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