Dr Garry Savin of Lumen, also an Expedition Doctor, interviews the adventurer Justin Packshaw MBE

Dr Garry Savin - Lumen Health Assessments Harley Street London

To mark our two-year birthday this month, Lumen celebrates by launching our own YouTube Channel and interviews our very first client, Justin Packshaw MBE.

Medical Director at Lumen Harley Street and Expedition Doctor Dr Garry Savin, interviews Justin Packshaw MBE to mark Lumen’s second birthday and discovers the highs and lows of extreme exploration and the importance of a Lumen Advanced Health Assessment.

Justin Packshaw MBE has recently returned from his unsupported expedition to Antarctica and the South Pole, where he was extensively studied by NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA) and Stanford University.

Justin Packshaw’s trip was part of a landmark study into the effects of extreme environments on the human body.

For approximately two months, a team of scientists monitored Justin and his fellow explorer Dr Jamie Facer-Childs as they kite-skied across the ice for 1,400 miles on a brutal journey to the South Pole and endured temperatures of minus 55 degrees Celsius.

Justin Packshaw’s experience will be invaluable as Space Researchers continue to explore the feasibility of human habitation in extreme environments like Mars.

His findings could one day help us to establish permanent outposts on the red planet as Mankind explores the boundaries of our universe.

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